Board Member Report: April 15, 2024
Please see below for upcoming public events for the week of April 15, 2024.
Transport State Implementation Plan Workshop: On April 17 via remote access, CARB will host a public webinar to solicit input on proposed amendments to California’s Transport State Implementation Plan (SIP). More information can be found on CARB’s California Infrastructure SIP webpage.
Light-Duty Clean Transportation Equity Incentives Symposium: On April 18 in Sacramento and via remote access, CARB will host the second annual light-duty Clean Transportation Equity Incentives Symposium, which will focus on light-duty and mobility incentive programs. The symposium will convene project administrators, outreach partners, community groups, and other key stakeholders to discuss CARB’s clean transportation incentives program implementation. The agenda will include panel discussions, breakout rooms, and networking opportunities.