Assessing and Supporting Equitable Zero-Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Ecosystems across all Modes and Communities
Principal Investigators/Authors: Samual Markolf and Ricardo de Pinto
Contractor: University of California, Merced
Contract Number: 22STC012
Project Status: Completed
Relevant CARB Programs: Advanced Clean Cars Program
Topic Areas: Local Actions for Climate Change, Local Government Zero-Emission Vehicle Readiness, Sustainable Communities & Climate Protection Program, Accessible Clean Transportation Options SB 350, Sustainable Communities, Research & Sustainable Communities, Sustainable Community Strategies (SCS), Climate Change, Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Reduction & Climate Goals, Clean Cars 4 All
Research Summary:
This project will provide tools and resources to help local governments and community members plan for and increase accessibility of ZEVs and charging stations, while helping to reduce the number of miles traveled by passenger vehicles. It will also help communities assess their own needs and goals so that they can choose the best strategies to achieve them. The project will include a literature review, interviews with local government officials, development of a “ZEV readiness” score, and tools and resources to increase ZEV adoption fairly and effectively in California communities, while reducing the miles that vehicles travel.
Keywords: zero-emission vehicle (ZEV), electric vehicle, ZEV readiness, charging infrastructure, sustainable communities, multi-modal transportation, vehicle miles traveled