American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Settlement
American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Case Settles for $1,037,100
In August 2016, American Honda Motor Co., Inc., (“Honda”) settled its case with the Air Resources Board (ARB) for importing and delivering uncertified vehicles into California in violation of Health and Safety Code sections 43151-43153. These vehicles included off-highway motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles that were equipped with engine control modules containing an alternate ignition map that was not previously disclosed. Honda also sold, offered for sale, and/or advertised, aftermarket critical emission control parts associated with these vehicles prior to obtaining an exemption from ARB pursuant to California Code of Regulations, title 13, section 2222 et seq.
The Vehicle Enforcement Section, in conjunction with the Office of Legal Affairs, has entered into a Settlement Agreement in the amount of $1,037,100 for the uncertified vehicles from 2012-2014 and associated modification part kits. Of this amount, $259,275.00 will be allocated to the School Bus and Diesel Emission reduction Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP). Honda fully cooperated with the Air Resources Board (ARB) in resolving this matter by self-disclosing the facts and circumstances regarding the vehicles in this case. Honda’s self-disclosure saved ARB resources and negated the need to allege violations against Honda.