Agenda & Notes: March 7, 2024 Clean Mobility Projects & Incentives Workgroup Meeting
- Welcome and Introductions
- Summary of January 2024 meeting (notes coming soon)
- Presentation – EJ Values Carshare Directory
- Q&A session
Attendees: Natalie Reavey (CARB), Steve Douglas, Brandon Smith (EV Noire), Ava Yaghoobird (CARB), Sarah Somorai (Hyundai), Linda White (BMW), Anthony Bento (CA New Car Dealers Association), Patty Breslin (San Leandro 2050), Anna Wong (CARB), Heather Hickerson (GO-Biz), Tom Knox (ValleyCAN), Robyn Marquis (CALSTART), Maggie Witt (CARB), Lonnie Mason (First Generation Environmental Health and Economic Development), Graciela Garcia (CARB), Kevin Hamilton (CCAC), Marissa Williams (CARB), Lisa Chiladakis (CARB)
Overview of Environmental Justice Values in Advanced Clean Cars II
- Advanced Clean Cars II (ACC II) includes specific provisions to encourage automaker actions that support the use of ZEVs in lower-income or disadvantaged communities and households.
- These are referred to as Environmental Justice Vehicle Values, and values earned by automakers can contribute towards compliance with the sales requirement.
- There are a few pathways manufacturers can take to earn these EJ vehicle values:
- Workgroup Focus: They can sell new ZEVs or PHEVs at a 25% discount to qualifying community-based clean mobility programs.
- They can offer lower priced vehicles in the first years of the regulation to increase affordable access to ZEVs and PHEVs
- And, they can increase the supply of off-lease ZEVs and PHEVs to dealerships participating in CARB’s financial assistance programs that serve low-income and disadvantaged households.
EJ Community Carshare Directory
- We have created a form that car manufacturers, project developers, and community groups can complete. Information from the form will populate a website in order to connect the three groups.
- This is a first draft of the form that would populate an EJ Community Carshare Directory. We’re still designing it so it might look completely different when it gets published, but we wanted to share this with you all to begin to get some initial feedback on it.
- It’s filterable by car manufacturer, project developer, and community group, and the questions for each of these 3 groups is slightly different.
- In order to populate the directory, we have built a button “Join the EJ Community Carshare Directory Here”, which can be seen by this yellow button. This will take you to the form.
Timing: Publicly launch website in April
- For updates, it would be ideal to get an email every time the directory is updated showing what was added/included into the table.
- There was discussion around the idea that smaller urban areas are struggling since the redefinition of “urban”. How do we design programs that actual impact communities that are 2,000 or more housing units or 5,000 or more people. All other areas are considered rural. Rey Leon has created a rideshare program across 3 counties ( Able to do this by working with counties and working with healthcare providers.
- Used to be less than 50,000 rural.
- CARB commented that this is a good to continue as we discuss the funding plan and think about how to define rural to support these areas. For example, USDA has its own definition of rural. CEC has a definition for EV charging efforts.
Next Steps for CARB
- Outreach to external stakeholders to test the form and pre-populate the directory
- Continue to obtain feedback on the directory
- Finalize a first version for the EJ Community Carshare Directory
Next Steps for Workgroup
- Review and fill out the form to pre-populate it. Please reach out to us at with more feedback
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