Abbreviations and Acronyms - CARB Speciation
ALIAS1 --> ALIAS3 fields (see also CHEMXREF:INFO): Fields in CHEMXREF interactive file containing alternate text descriptions of the compound. There can be many synonyms for the compounds, and the CHEMNAME field is only intended to be one of the more common text descriptions.
ARBCHEM field (see also CHEMXREF:INFO): Field in CHEMXREF (and ORGSPEC and PMSPEC) interactive file containing the ARB's arbitrary 5 digit chemical code. This is not the same as any code used by any other organization. It used to be referred to as the SAROAD code, but that allowed for confusion, since other organizations also used the "SAROAD" designation. The linkage to the CAS code is very important, since the CAS code is the standard code used by many organizations. Unfortunately, not all of the compound groupings included in the ARB speciation profiles have CAS codes, and in some cases there may be multiple CAS codes for a given ARB speciation profile. The ARBCHEM code reduces the possibility of confusion.
CAS field (see also CHEMXREF:INFO): This is the code system of the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), which is widely used for tracking chemical compounds. This is not a unique code listing, and there are often many synonyms listed. In addition, there are compound groupings used by CARB that are not found in the CAS code listing. Because of these reasons, CARB uses its own unique 5 digit code (the ARBCHEM, described above) and then cross-links the ARBCHEM code to the CAS code, whenever a CAS code exists for the ARBCHEM code. The CAS code can then be used to link to codes used by other organizations.
CASALIAS field (see also CHEMXREF:INFO): In some cases, there may be more than one CAS code that links to a given ARBCHEM code. This should rarely happen, but the CASALIAS field is present to capture one alias, if there is one.
CHEMNAME field (see also CHEMXREF:INFO): Field in CHEMXREF (and ORGSPEC and PMSPEC) interactive file containing the text description of the compound. There can be many synonyms for the compounds, and the CHEMNAME field is only intended to be one of the more common text descriptions.
CHEMXREF interactive file (see also CHEMXREF:INFO): This interactive file contains the unique ARBCHEM chemical code listing for the compounds in the ARB's TOG (total organic gas) and PM (particulate matter) speciation profiles. It also contains the CHEMNAME text descriptions of the compounds, and the CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) codes for cross-referencing to the chemical codes of other organizations.
DATACOMMENT field (see also ORGPROF:INFO and PMPROF:INFO): Field in ORGPROF and PMPROF interactive files, that may contain additional background, or status information, on the data used to produce the profile.
GEOVARLINK field (see also ORGPROF:INFO and PMPROF:INFO): Field in ORGPROF and PMPROF interactive files that links to geographically specific speciation information. Currently, this field has no entries for any profile, because no ARB profiles have different profiles assigned on a geographic basis. However, in the future, certain profiles will probably have default statewide speciation data, along with geographically-specific speciation data. An example might be soil emissions speciation data.
ORGPRFCD field (see also ORGPROF:INFO): Field in ORGPROF interactive file containing the TOG (total organic gas) profile code assigned to the speciation profile. This code is an arbitrary code assigned by the ARB.
ORGPROF interactive file (see also ORGPROF:INFO): The base file for the organic speciation profiles. It contains the unique listing of the organic profile codes and the profile descriptive name. It also contains the fraction of TOG that is ROG, which, in itself, is a speciation.
ORGSPEC interactive file (see also ORGSPEC:INFO): This interactive file contains the actual weight fraction (WTFRACOFTOG) that each compound is of the TOG (total organic gas) emitted by a source.
PM or PMT or TSP: Total suspended particulate matter: On this web site, PM and PMT actually refer to TSP (total suspended particulate matter)
PM10: Particulate matter less than 10 microns.
PM25: Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns.
PMPRFCD field (see also PMPROF:INFO): Field in PMPROF interactive file containing the particulate matter profile code assigned to the speciation profile. This code is an arbitrary code assigned by CARB.
PMPROF interactive file (see also PMPROF:INFO): The base file for the particulate matter speciation profiles. It contains the unique listing of the particulate matter profile codes and the profile descriptive name. It also contains the total weight fraction fields (WTFRACPM10, and WTFRACPM2PT5) for PM10 and PM25. These total fractions are then multiplied by the corresponding chemical weight fraction fields in the PMSPEC file.
PMSPEC interactive file (see also PMSPEC:INFO): This interactive file contains the actual weight fractions (WTFRACOFPMT, WTFRACOFPM10, and WTFRACOFPM2PT5) that each compound is of the total particulate matter (PMT), particulate matter less than 10 microns (PM10), and particulate matter less than 2.5 microns (PM25), respectively. Unlike the TOG-based speciation, these fractions have to be multiplied by size fraction data (contained in the PMPROF) file, before they can be multiplied by the PMT-based emissions estimates found in the ARB's CEIDARS database.
PRFCOMMENT field (see also ORGPROF:INFO and PMPROF:INFO): Field in ORGPROF and PMPROF interactive files, that may contain additional background, or status information on the profile.
PRFNAME field (see also ORGPROF:INFO and PMPROF:INFO): Field in ORGPROF and PMPROF interactive files that contains the descriptive name for the TOG or PM profile.
REFLINK1 -> REFLINK3fields (see also ORGPROF:INFO and PMPROF:INFO): Fields in ORGPROF and PMPROF interactive files that links to reference information on how the profile was developed. In some cases, the page linked to by the REFLINK field may contain live links to electronic versions of the reference documents in various formats.
ROG: Reactive organic gases: Compounds of carbon, excluding: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, metallic carbides or carbonates, and ammonium carbonate, and the list of excluded compounds that can be found on the ROG definitions.
SCC field (see also SCCLIST:INFO): Field in SCCLIST (and SCCORG and SCCPM) interactive files containing the Source Category Codes (SCC's) assigned to emission sources. This field may contain SCC codes (as used by the USEPA and ARB) or EIC (Emission Inventory Code) codes, which are 14 digit codes defined and used by the ARB. The ARB uses both the SCC and EIC codes to define emissions in its CEIDARS database. These codes will allow you to link to the emissions estimates in the CEIDARS database, in order to speciate the emissions.
SCC1N -> SCC8N fields (see also SCCLIST:INFO): Fields in SCCLIST (and SCCORG and SCCPM) interactive files containing text descriptions of the SCC field, and subsets of the SCC field.
SCCLIST interactive file (see also SCCLIST:INFO): This interactive file contains the unique listing of the codes used to link both the organic and particulate matter speciation data to the TOG (total organic gas) and PMT (total particulate matter) data in CEIDARS. It also contains the SCC1N -> SCC8N fields, which contain categorical descriptions.
SCCORG interactive file (see also SCCORG:INFO): This interactive file contains the unique listing of the codes used to link the organic matter speciation data to the TOG (total organic gas) data in CEIDARS. It also contains the SCC1N -> SCC8N fields, which contain categorical descriptions.
SCCPM interactive file (see also SCCPM:INFO): This interactive file contains the unique listing of the codes used to link the particulate matter speciation data to the PMT (total particulate matter) data in CEIDARS. It also contains the SCC1N -> SCC8N fields, which contain categorical descriptions.
SPECIE (see also CHEMXREF:INFO): Field in CHEMXREF (and PMSPEC) interactive file containing short text codes representing the text description of the compound. These are only currently used for particulate matter-related compounds.
TOG: Total organic gases: Compounds of carbon, excluding carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, metallic carbides or carbonates, and ammonium carbonate.
TSP or PM or PMT: Total suspended particulate matter: On this web site, PM and PMT actually refer to TSP (total suspended particulate matter)
WTFRACOFPMT, WTFRACOFPM10, WTFRACOFPM2PT5 fields (see also PMSPEC:INFO): Fields in the PMSPEC interactive file containing the speciated chemical weight fraction that a given ARBCHEM entry compound is of the PMT (total suspended particulate matter), PM10 (particulate matter less than 10 microns) or PM2pt5 (particulate matter less than 2.5 microns) total weight fraction. Before applying the PM10 or PM2pt5 chemical weight fraction data, you must first multiply the WTFRACPM10 or WTFRACPM2PT5 non-speciated total weight fraction fields contained in the PMPROF interactive file by the base PM (total suspended particulate matter) emissions.
WTFRACOFTOG field (see also ORGSPEC:INFO): Field in the ORGSPEC interactive file containing the speciated chemical weight fraction that a given ARBCHEM entry compound is of the TOG (total organic gas).
WTFRACPM10, WTFRACPM2PT5 fields (see also PMPROF:INFO): Fields in PMPROF interactive file containing the WTFRACPM10 or WTFRACPM2PT5 non-speciated total weight fraction fields, which are multiplied by the base PM (total suspended particulate matter) emissions.
WTFRACROG field (see also ORGPROF:INFO): Field in ORGPROF interactive file containing the fraction, by weight, that the ROG (reactive organic gas: see also ROG definition link) is of the TOG (total organic gas).
YEAR field (see also SCCLIST:INFO): Field in SCCLIST (and SCCORG and SCCPM) interactive files. The year field will contain either the currently selected inventory year, or a zero (0). If the field contains a zero, then that indicates that that SCC code is assigned to the same organic profile, regardless of year. If there is a year (1990, 2000, 2001 - 2006, 2010, or 2020), then that indicates that the SCC may be assigned to a different PM or TOG profile code for different years.