2023 – Senate Bill 422 (Portantino, Anthony), California Environmental Quality Act: expedited environmental review: climate change regulations (2-Year)
Bill Information
For CARB and air districts, this bill expands the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) regulatory process to apply to virtually every regulation CARB and districts might promulgate, regardless of environmental impact. Requires CARB, air districts, and other specified agencies to complete a specific alternative environmental analysis or the equivalent of an Environmental Impact Report for every regulation adopted that directly or indirectly requires emission reductions of greenhouse gases, criteria air pollutants, or toxic air contaminants. This bill might expand the circumstances under which a focused Environmental Impact Report could be used by regulated entities for the installation of air pollution control equipment and related components and also could add extensive labor requirements if the focused Environmental Impact Report is used, both under current law and under the expanded CEQA analysis on regulations required by this bill. Moved to the inactive file on the Assembly Floor.