2023 – AB 287 (Garcia, Eduardo), California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: competitive grant programs: funding objectives (Dead)
Bill Information
Would have required State agencies administering competitive Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grant programs that involve housing, urban forestry, urban greening, or planning to provide at least a three-month application period and would have required the California Department of Finance to report on additional elements in the California Climate Investments Annual Report, including information on applications that did not receive funding. This bill also would have allowed applicants from the counties of Imperial and San Diego to include daytime population numbers in grant applications. This bill was similar to AB 943 (E. Garcia, 2022), AB 2812 (E. Garcia, 2019), AB 1945 (E. Garcia, 2018). Held on suspense in the Assembly Appropriations Committee.
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