2022 - Senate Bill 1391 (Kamlager, Sydney), Greenhouse Gases: Market-Based Compliance Mechanism. (Dead)
Bill Information
Would have required CARB, at least once every 3 years, to conduct a review of the market-based compliance mechanism, to among other things, evaluate and address concerns related to allowance overallocation and offset credit eligibility. The bill would have required CARB to consult with the Environmental Justice Advisory Committee and Independent Emissions Market Advisory Committee as part of the review and consult with those committees in developing and publishing allowance banking metrics concurrent with the first review. The bill would have required CARB to commence the first review by January 30, 2023 or within 30 days of the completion of the update to the Scoping Plan pending as of January 30, 2023, whichever is later. Failed passage on the Assembly Floor.