2022 - Senate Bill 1382 (Gonzalez, Lena), Air Pollution: Clean Cars 4 All Program: Sales and Use Tax Law: Zero-Emissions Vehicle Exemption (Chaptered)
Bill Information
Requires CARB to coordinate with air quality management districts (Air Districts) and local nonprofit and community-based organizations (CBOs) to identify barriers to accessing the Clean Cars 4 All (CC4A) program, and to develop outreach protocols and metrics to assess the success of outreach across the Air Districts. The bill also adds to CARB’s Annual Report on Program Performance pursuant to AB 630 (Cooper, Chapter 636, Statutes of 2017) by requiring the inclusion of an assessment identifying populations that are eligible for CC4A but underserved by the program. Additionally, the bill allows the Air Districts to utilize up to 10 percent of allocated funds for outreach, but requires the submission of additional justification and reporting requirements to CARB. The bill also provides an exemption from sales and use tax for someone participating in the CC4A program.