The Carl Moyer On-Road Voucher Incentive Program (VIP) Update
California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff are pleased to announce this year’s update to the Carl Moyer Voucher Incentive Program (VIP). In VIP, funding is directed exclusively to small fleets with 10 vehicles or less, where eligible applicants can receive grants to purchase cleaner replacement vehicles. Applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis, and applicants are notified within 15 business days upon receipt of their application.
VIP has traditionally supported the transition of small fleets to the 2010 engine model year emission standard per the Truck and Bus Regulation. As the final implementation deadline approaches for the Truck and Bus Regulation, this year’s update will include CARB expanding VIP to allow additional funding for replacement vehicles meeting the zero-emission standard up to $410,000 per heavy heavy-duty vehicle. The inclusion of zero emission vehicles aligns with Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-79-20, which sets the goal of 100 percent of medium and heavy-duty vehicles in the State be zero-emission by 2045 for all operations where feasible, and by 2035 for drayage trucks.
Additionally, eligible fleets moving to an engine meeting the 0.02 gram per brake-horsepower-hour (g/bhp-hr) oxides of nitrogen (NOx) standard or cleaner can receive up to the new CARB Board approved funding caps, including up to $160,000 per heavy heavy-duty vehicle.
In the months ahead, the VIP program will be working through the public process to ensure that small fleets are able to access funding for advanced technologies.
Since 1998, the Carl Moyer Program has filled a critical niche in California's strategy to achieve clean air. The Carl Moyer Program provides grant funding for the incremental cost of cleaner-than-required engines, equipment, and emission reduction technologies. The Carl Moyer Program complements California's regulatory programs by funding emission reductions that are surplus (i.e., early and/or in excess of what is required by regulation). On-Road VIP is part of the Carl Moyer Program and is a streamlined funding option for heavy-duty vehicle replacements. Currently, On-Road VIP provides a streamlined funding option for up to the zero-emission standard. Advanced technology projects that are zero-emission, are eligible for a cost-effectiveness limit of up to $500,000 per weighted ton and advanced technology projects that meet the cleanest certified optional standard like the 0.02 g/bhp-hr NOx standard or cleaner are eligible for a cost-effectiveness limit of up to $200,000 per weighted ton. This opportunity is limited to the increment of emission reductions beyond those achieved at the required standard. The funding matrix can be found in Appendix O of the VIP guidelines.
Background materials can be obtained from CARB’s website. For more information on how to apply, please contact your local air district.
Clearing California Skies for Over 50 Years
CARB is the lead agency for California’s fight against climate change, and oversees all air pollution control efforts in the state to attain and maintain health-based air quality standards.