2022 – Assembly Bill 2677 (Gabriel, Jesse), Information Practices Act of 1977 (Vetoed)
Bill Information
Would have amended the Information Practices Act of 1977 (IPA) to expand the definition of personal information (PI) to include information that is reasonably capable of identifying or describing an individual, prohibit an agency from using records containing PI for any purposes other than those for which the PI was collected or generated, except as specified,
and make a negligent violation of IPA a cause for discipline, among other things.
Governor’s Veto Message
To the Members of the California State Assembly:
I am returning Assembly Bill 2677 without my signature. This bill makes several changes to the Information Practices Act of 1977, including expanding the definition of personal information, limiting certain disclosures, and applying data minimization principles.
I commend the author for his commitment to data privacy and am supportive of expanding security protocols to further protect personal information collected by state agencies and businesses. However, I am concerned this bill is overly prescriptive and could conflict with the State's goal to provide person-centered, data driven, and integrated services. Additionally, this bill would cost tens of millions of dollars to implement across multiple state agencies that were not accounted for in the budget.
With our state facing lower-than-expected revenues over the first few months of this fiscal year, it is important to remain disciplined when it comes to spending, particularly spending that is ongoing. We must prioritize existing obligations and priorities, including education, health care, public safety and safety-net programs.
The Legislature sent measures with potential costs of well over $20 billion in one-time spending commitments and more than $10 billion in ongoing commitments not accounted for in the state budget. Bills with significant fiscal impact, such as this measure, should be considered and accounted for as part of the annual budget process. For these reasons, I cannot sign this bill.
Gavin Newsom