2021 – Senate Bill 366 (Umberg, Thomas), Automobile Dismantling Task Force (Chaptered)
Bill Information
Reconstitutes the Vehicle Dismantling Industry Strike Team, which sunset January 1, 2020, and is comprised of several State agencies, including CARB and California Environmental Protection Agency. The bill requires the Vehicle Dismantling Industry Strike Team to submit a report to the Legislature by January 1, 2024, that includes: the number of unlicensed dismantlers investigated and the number of investigations that resulted in enforcement actions, including theft of catalytic converters; the number of locations used for unlicensed automobile dismantling and the number of actions taken; compliance progress; and any statutory, administrative, or regulatory gaps that exist. Senate Bill 366 sunsets the Vehicle Dismantling Industry Strike Team on January 1, 2025. Additionally, the bill changes the fine structure for violations by unlicensed vehicle dismantlers.