2021 – Senate Bill 140 (Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review), Housing (2-year)
Bill Information
Would contain statutory provisions necessary to implement the Budget Act of 2021. Related to CARB, would establish the Regional Early Action Planning Grants Program of 2021, developed and administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), in collaboration with the Office of Planning and Research (OPR), the Strategic Growth Council (SGC), and CARB to provide regions with funding, including grants. Eligible activities for transformative planning and implementation would include administering specified programs, providing jurisdictions and other local agencies with technical assistance, planning, temporary staffing, or consultant needs associated with updating local planning and zoning documents, accelerating infill development, planning and upgrading infrastructure, creating multimodal transportation communities, shifting travel behavior through reducing driving, and increasing transit ridership, each as specified. HCD, in collaboration with COPR, SGC and CARB would review applications, and HCD would award funds, as specified. Was not heard in the Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review.