2021 – Assembly Bill 965 (Levine, Marc), Building Standards: Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (2-Year)
Bill Information
Would require the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) to research, develop, and propose for adoption building standards for the installation of future electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure for parking spaces in existing non-residential buildings. The bill would direct HCD and CBSC to propose these new requirements on or before July 1, 2024, or in the next interim California Green Building Standards Code cycle, whichever is sooner. The bill would also require HCD to take specified factors into account when considering proposed building standards for future EV charging infrastructure in existing multifamily dwellings. Lastly, the bill would require HCD and CBSC to review the EV charging infrastructure standards for multifamily dwellings and non-residential buildings every 18 months and update them as needed. Moved to the Senate Inactive File.