2020 - Assembly Bill 3005 (Rivas, Robert), Leroy Anderson Dam and Reservoir: Permitting, Environmental Review, and Public Contracting (Vetoed)
Bill Information
Would have expedited permitting and contracting requirements and California Environmental Quality Act procedures to facilitate the replacement of the Leroy Anderson Dam and Reservoir, required CARB to complete a greenhouse gas emission determination on specified project components, established requirements for greenhouse gas emission reduction mitigation measures, and authorized CARB to charge a fee for its work. The greenhouse gas determination framework would have been similar to the Jobs and Economic Improvement through Environmental Leadership Act of 2011 (AB 900, Buchanan, Chapter 345, Statutes of 2011).
Governor’s Veto Message:
To the Members of the California State Assembly:
I am returning Assembly Bill 3005 without my signature.
This bill would modify contracting requirements and prescribe expedited California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review and regulatory processes for various state agencies to facilitate projects for the Leroy Anderson Dam and Reservoir.
Notwithstanding the importance of completing projects at the Anderson Dam, the bill sets unrealistic timelines for state entities to expedite deliverables. This will require staff to be diverted away from other critical projects throughout the state that are going through the CEQA process. Although the Anderson Dam projects are a key element of dam safety, it is problematic to set a precedent for a special process and timeline for one project that may undermine the quality of review by departments.
Furthermore, a public works project of this magnitude will have significant environmental impacts, and therefore, review through the full CEQA process is necessary.
For these reasons, I am returning Assembly Bill 3005 without my signature.
Gavin Newsom