"Hot Spots" Inventory Guidelines
The AB 2588 Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Regulation (Guidelines, or EICG Regulation) provides direction and criteria to facilities on how to compile and submit air toxics emission data required by the "Hot Spots" Program. The latest 2022 amendments to the EICG regulation were approved by the Office of Administrative Law and filed with the Secretary of State on March 21, 2022. The EICG effective date is March 21, 2022.
2022 Amendments to the EICG Regulation
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) amended the EICG Regulation to ensure continued protection of public health by collecting more comprehensive emission data, provide CARB and the local air districts with a better understanding of stationary source emissions, enhance the public access to information on toxic pollutant emissions, and require the reduction of localized health risks at facilities that may present significant impacts. The 2022 amendments are also designed to support community-focused efforts at CARB to reduce criteria pollutant and air toxic emissions from California’s most disadvantaged communities.
2022 EICG Amendments Approved by OAL and Effective March 21, 2022
On November 19, 2020, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) adopted amendments to the proposed Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines (EICG) Regulation, and the Regulation for the Reporting of Criteria Air Pollutants and Toxic Air Contaminants (CTR). Based on public comment received, the Board directed CARB staff to consider additional modifications to the regulations prior to finalizing the revisions. Staff incorporated revisions to the EICG through a public "15-day" revisions process, including a workshop on February 11, 2021 (see below). The final 2022 EICG rulemaking package was approved by the Office of Administrative Law and filed with the Secretary of State on March 21, 2022. The EICG effective date is March 21, 2022. Formal regulatory documents for the 2022 EICG amendments are available on CARB’s rulemaking website.
Unofficial “Clean” 2022 EICG Amendment Documents
This unofficial version of the Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines (EICG) Regulation following this Disclaimer was produced by CARB staff for the reader’s convenience. CARB staff has removed the underline-strikeout formatting which exists in the Final Regulation Order approved by the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) on March 21, 2022, and included the full regulatory text for the regulation. However, the following version is not an official legal edition of title 17, California Code of Regulations (CCR), section 93300.5. While reasonable steps have been taken to make this unofficial version accurate, the officially published CCR takes precedence if there are any discrepancies. Documents relevant to the rulemaking process for this version of the regulation, including the Final Regulation Order, with underline/strikeout formatting showing additions and deletions to the regulation, is available on the CARB website here.
The unofficial “clean” versions of the EICG documents can be found at the links below:
- Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Report (Sections I-XI) | Word
- Appendix A (List of Substances) | Excel | A-I | A-II | A-III | Notes
- Appendix B-I (Reporting Formats) | Word
- Appendix B-II (Reporting Forms) | Word
- Appendix C (Facility Responsibilities) | Word
- Appendix D (Source Testing) | Word
- Appendix E (Requirements for Smaller Facilities) | Word
- Appendix F (Screening HRAs) | Word
- Appendix G (Documents Incorporated by Reference) | Word
Other materials from the rulemaking process, including previous workshop presentations, are available below.
Joint Webinar: February 11, 2021
Proposed 15-Day Changes for "Hot Spots" EICG & CTR
CARB staff hosted a webinar to discuss proposed 15-day changes (see above) to the AB 2588 Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Regulation (EICG) and the Regulation for the Reporting of Criteria Air Pollutants and Toxic Air Contaminants (or CTR). The proposed modifications to EICG and CTR were presented in a joint webinar due to multiple common elements between the two programs.
During the workshop staff presented the proposed changes and answered questions about the changes. There is now a period for informal written comments to help refine the draft text prior to the official release of the proposed 15-day changes. Please submit comments via email by February 25, 2021.
- Presentation Slides
- Comments & Questions Submitted
- Video Recording of Webinar
- Workshop Notice
- Submit "Informal" Comments by 2/25/2021, to be used in preparing final 15-day modifications
"Informal" 15-Day Modification Materials for Review
- Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Report (proposed 15-day modifications)
- Appendix A: Proposed List of Substances to be Reported (draft modifications)
- Appendix C: Examples of Chemicals Expected by Process and/or Industry Sectors (draft modifications)
- Appendix D: Source Testing Requirements (draft modifications)
- Appendix E: Requirements for Facilities Emitting Less Than 10 tpy of Criteria Pollutants (draft modifications)
Joint Webinar: September 30, 2020
"Hot Spots" EICG & CTR Proposed Amendments
CARB staff hosted a webinar to discuss proposed amendments to the AB 2588 Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Regulation (EICG), as well as proposed amendments to the Regulation for the Reporting of Criteria Air Pollutants and Toxic Air Contaminants (or CTR). The proposed amendments to EICG and CTR were presented in a joint webinar due to multiple common elements between the two programs. Please see the materials below for additional information.
- Presentation Slides
- Comments & Questions Submitted
- Video Recording of Webinar
- Regulatory Documents including the Proposed Regulation Order and Staff Report
- Workshop Notice
July 29, 2020: Draft EICG Materials Available for Review and Comment
The following draft materials are provided for review and comment prior to the publication of the formal regulatory materials at the end of September 2020. In order to allow sufficient time to fully consider your input, we request that you submit your comments via email by August 12, 2020.
Materials for Review
- Phase-In Schedule Diagram: Illustrates the reporting schedule for industrial sectors subject to expanded applicability in the Criteria & Toxics Reporting Regulation (CTR) and the EICG Appendix A new chemicals list
- Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Report (draft sections I to V of regulatory text proposed amendments)
- Appendix A: Proposed List of Substances to be Reported (updated draft)
- Appendix C: Examples of Chemicals Expected by Process and/or Industry Sectors (updated draft)
- Appendix D and EICG Section IX: Source Testing (discussion of proposed revisions for source testing)
We plan to post additional materials for informal review as they become available. Please note that comments received prior to the start of the formal review period on October 2, 2020, are not part of the official rulemaking record; however, they will be considered and evaluated as we continue our work on developing the proposed amendments to the regulation.
For questions about the posted materials please contact Anne Klein, Air Pollution Specialist, or Steve Zelinka, Manager, Toxics Inventory and Special Projects Section.
Webinar: April 30, 2020
Discussion of Proposed Amendments to the EICG Regulation
CARB held a webinar on April 30, 2020, to discuss the proposed amendments to the EICG Regulation. The materials presented at the webinar, along with an audio recording and written questions and comments submitted during and after the webinar are available below.
Webinar Materials
- Presentation Slides
- Comments & Questions Submitted
- Video Recording of Webinar
- Webinar Notice
- Opening Message from Assemblymember Cristina Garcia
- Additional Supporting Documents
- Appendix A: Proposed List of Substances to be Reported (workshop draft)
- Appendix C: Examples of Chemicals Expected by Process and/or Industry Sectors (workshop draft)
- Appendix E: Proposed Requirements for Smaller Facilities (workshop draft)
- Scientific Review Panel: Interim Findings Regarding the Chemical List
For questions about the webinar, please contact Anne Klein, Air Pollution Specialist or Steve Zelinka, Manager, Toxics Inventory and Special Projects Section.
Subscribe for updates to Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Criteria and Guidelines notifications.
Scientific Review Panel Evaluation
As part of our preparations for amending the current regulation, CARB staff solicited support from the Scientific Review Panel (SRP) in evaluating the proposed updates to the chemical substances list in Appendix A of the regulation. The following documents were provided to the SRP for their review:
SRP Chemical List Introduction: Transmittal document requesting SRP review of the proposed updates.
Existing Appendix A: A list of the substances in Appendices A‐I to A‐III of the current regulation.
Master List of New Proposed Substances: A list of over 800 new substances proposed for addition to Appendices A-I to A-III, along with a list of over 500 substances that were evaluated but are not being proposed for inclusion.
New Proposed Appendix A‐I by Category: This is the subset of the Master List: new substances proposed for addition to Appendix A‐I, grouped into the following eight categories:
- Carcinogens
- Developmental and Reproductive Toxicants
- Pesticides
- Metals
- Other Inorganics
- Pharmaceuticals
- Neurotoxins
- Other
Master List of New Proposed Substances: An Excel version of the Master List of new substances proposed for addition, separated into tabs for Appendices A‐I, A‐II, A‐III, and substances that were evaluated but are not being proposed for inclusion.
Prior Regulation (approved by OAL on August 27, 2007)
- Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Report (Sections I-XI) | Word
- Appendix A (List of Substances) | Excel | A-I | A-II | A-III | Notes
- Appendix B-I (Reporting Formats) | Word
- Appendix B-II (Reporting Forms) | Word
- Appendix C (Facility Responsibilities) | Word
- Appendix D (Source Testing) | Word
- Appendix E (Requirements for Smaller Facilities) | Word
- Appendix F (Screening HRAs) | Word
- Appendix G (Documents Incorporated by Reference) | Word
(2007 EICG) Formal Rulemaking Documents
The Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines are used for preparing emission inventory plans and reports to develop site-specific inventories of air emissions of toxic substances. The Guidelines do the following: 1) specify which facilities are subject to air toxics emission inventory reporting and update reporting; 2) specify information a facility operator must include in a facility's air toxics emission inventory plan and inventory report; 3) identify specific classes of facilities that emit less than ten tons per year of criteria pollutants that are subject to the Hot Spots program and specify their emission inventory reporting requirements; 4) specify source testing requirements, acceptable emission estimation methods, and the reporting formats to be used; 5) establish groups of the substances to be inventoried; 6) designate facilities into levels for purposes of update reporting, based on prioritization scores, risk assessment results, or de minimis thresholds; 7) exempt "low level" facilities from further update reporting unless specified reinstatement criteria are met, and specify the update reporting requirements for other facilities; 8) specify information a facility operator must include in a facility's update to the facility emission inventory; and 9) include provisions for integrating Hot Spots reporting with other district programs if specified criteria are met.
The Guidelines are organized into sections which address related requirements. Sections are included on applicability, facility removal from the program, update categories, reporting requirements, and source testing requirements.
The appendices to the Guidelines are useful documents which may be downloaded separately from the Guidelines Report. Appendix A includes three lists of substances in the program: those for which emissions must be quantified; those for which production, use, or other processes must be reported; and those which need not be reported unless manufactured by the facility. Appendix B contains reporting formats and instructions. Appendix C is the Facility Guideline Index which specifies responsibilities for specific facility classes. Appendix D indicates source testing requirements. Appendix E specifies requirements for classes of facilities emitting less than 10 tons per year of criteria pollutants. Appendix F contains the criteria for inputs for risk assessment using screening air dispersion modeling. Appendix G is the list of documents which have been incorporated into the Guidelines by reference.
Previous drafts of Guidelines Regulation
2022 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | Word (January 2025)
2007 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | Word (September 2007)
Air Districts Hot Spots Annual Reports
CARB's California Air Toxics Emission Factor (CATEF) Database
Air District Memo: Interpretation of the Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Regulations Requirements (September 1989)
1989 Technical Guidance Document for EI Guidelines