SureCan, Inc. Settlement
SureCan, Inc. Settles For $26,496.00
In October, 2019, SureCan, Inc. (SURECAN), located in North Ogden, Utah, settled with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) for violations of the Portable Fuel Container Systems Regulations. During the timeframe between May 1, 2015, and January 1, 2017, SURECAN manufactured PFCs with an invalid CARB Executive Order (EO) number, G‑15‑025, for use and sale in the United States. On June 8, 2015, Enforcement Division (ED) staff purchased a 2.2 gallon SURECAN PFC (EO# G-15-025) from SURECAN’s website and received it on June 13, 2015. ED field staff then documented 2.2 gallon SURECAN PFCs (EO# G-15-025) at several California retailers. The per unit penalties for SURECAN in this case are $6 per unit for 4,416 noncompliant portable fuel containers resulting in a total penalty amount of $26,496. SURECAN opted to pay half of the total penalty amount to a Supplemental Environmental Project. SURECAN is now in compliance with the California regulations.
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