What is the Carl Moyer Program?
The Carl Moyer Program is a voluntary grant program that reduces air pollution from vehicles and equipment by providing incentive funds to private companies and public agencies to purchase cleaner-than-required engines, equipment, and emission reduction technologies. The program has been implemented since 1998 through a partnership between the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and California’s 35 local air pollution control and air quality management districts. By funding emission reductions that are surplus -- earlier and/or beyond what is required by regulation -- the Moyer Program complements California’s regulations. One of the first voluntary emission reduction programs implemented by CARB, it is named after the late Dr. Carl Moyer, a key figure in developing creative solutions to California’s air quality challenges.
What types of projects qualify for the Carl Moyer Program?
Projects that reduce emissions from heavy-duty on-road and off-road equipment qualify for Moyer grants. These projects go beyond regulatory requirements by replacing, repowering or retrofitting older, higher-emitting engines. Eligible engines may include on-road trucks over 14,000 lbs. gross vehicle weight, off-road equipment such as construction and farm equipment, marine vessels, locomotives, stationary agricultural equipment, forklifts, light-duty vehicles, airport ground support equipment, lawn and garden equipment, and emergency vehicles. More information on eligible source categories is available from the Carl Moyer Program.
How much funding is available?
The Moyer Program provides about $60 million for projects each year statewide, funded through tire fees and smog impact vehicle registration fees. The program pays up to 85 percent of the cost to repower engines and up to 100 percent to purchase an CARB-verified retrofit device. Maximum grant amounts vary for purchase of new vehicles and equipment.
Who is eligible for funding?
Public and private entities can apply for Moyer funding. In order to receive funds projects must not be required by any regulation, memorandum of understanding, or other legal mandate but must be “early or extra.” Under Moyer Program Guidelines, fund recipients sign a contract and submit basic project status information on a regular basis. Small businesses with vehicles or equipment that are exempt from or not yet subject to air quality rules are particularly encouraged to apply.
How is the size of the Carl Moyer Program grant determined?
Moyer Program grants are based on the “incremental cost” of the equipment and the emission benefits of the project. Incremental cost is the cost of the project less a baseline cost that would otherwise be incurred in the normal course of business. Your local air district can assist you in determining whether you may be eligible for funding.
How can I apply for a Carl Moyer Program grant?
Most funds are distributed through the 35 local air districts. As not all districts fund every project type that is eligible, contacting your local air district for the most updated information on funding availability, project eligibility, applications, and a project selection timeline is essential. Air district Moyer Program contacts can be found through the Moyer Program website.
Why is it important to reduce diesel emissions?
Emissions from heavy-duty diesel engines have been identified as a major source of air pollution, including smog-forming nitrogen oxides (NOx), and cancer-causing air toxics including particulate matter (PM) from diesel combustion. Seventy percent of the airborne carcinogens in California come from diesel exhaust. The Carl Moyer Program accelerates the replacement of older, dirtier diesel engines with newer, cleaner technologies. Emission reductions achieved by the Program play a critical role in helping California meet federal air quality standards and reduce toxic emissions and associated health risk in communities throughout the state.
Is other financial assistance available to help purchase this equipment?
Depending on the type of equipment you have, other types of assistance may be available. Please consult your local air district and see the related resource information for financial opportunities, including loan information, on Truck Stop.
Where can I get more information about Carl Moyer Program grants?
Visit the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program for more information. There you will find the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines. Please contact