Air Quality Guidance for Siting Biorefineries in California
The LCFS Resolution 09-31 directed CARB Executive Officer to work with local air districts, regulated entities, environmental and public health groups, and other stakeholders to develop a best practices guidance document for use by stakeholders when they are assessing and mitigating the air emissions associated with biofuel production facilities in California. The Guidance identifies the lowest permitted emission limits for stationary source process equipment used at biorefineries and identifies strategies for mitigating mobile source emissions associated with biorefineries.
The Guidance is a resource document developed to assist air quality agencies, local land use planners, environmental and public health groups, project developers, and other stakeholders that would conduct air quality evaluations for new or expanding biorefineries. The Guidance is not intended to substitute for project-specific evaluations conducted at the local level by California air districts, California Environmental Quality Act lead agencies, and other regulatory entities.
Guidance Update Process
In order to keep information on the most stringent emissions limits current, CARB staff will utilize this webpage to post future BACT determinations, source test results, data on new technologies, and emission requirements in newly approved regulations (see Supporting Data for Lowest Permitted Emission Limits for Stationary Source Equipment). When these updates are posted to this webpage, CARB staff will send email notifications to CARB's LCFS Email List and the California Energy Comission's Bioenergy listserv.
- Biorefineries in California (updated October 2010)
- Supporting Data for Lowest Permitted Emission Limits for Stationary Source Equipment (updated October 2010)
Guidance Document
Air Quality Guidance for Siting Biorefineries in California
- Appendix A: LCFS Resolution
- Appendix B: List of Working Group Members
- Appendix C: Biomass Feedstocks
- Appendix D: Supporting Data for Most Stringent Emission Limits Identified
- Appendix E: List of Biorefineries
- Appendix F: Description of a Generalized Procedure for Determining BACT