Progressive Produce LLC, dba Pathfinder Logistics Settlement
Progressive Produce LLC, dba Pathfinder Logistics, Inc. Settles For $53,000
In January 2023, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) reached a settlement with Progressive Produce LLC (Progressive), dba Pathfinder Logistics, Inc. (Pathfinder), with its principal location in Los Angeles, California.
An investigation by CARB staff revealed that Progressive failed to comply with the Transport Refrigeration Unit Air Toxic Control Measure in-use compliance requirements by the compliance date, under California Code of Regulations, title 13, Section 2477.5(a). Pathfinder failed to verify that each hired or dispatched vehicle was compliant with the Truck and Bus Regulation and failed to comply with the recordkeeping requirements under California Code of Regulations, title 13, Section 2025(x)(2).
To settle the case, Progressive dba Pathfinder agreed to the total penalty of $53,000. This amount will be deposited into CARB’s Air Pollution Control Fund, which will provide funding for projects and research to improve California’s air quality. Additionally, Pathfinder agreed to comply with the in-use compliance requirements for Transport Refrigeration Units. Pathfinder also agreed not to operate or direct the operation of any vehicle subject to the Truck and Bus Regulation without obtaining documentation prior to hire confirming that each hired or dispatched vehicle is compliant with the Truck and Bus Regulation.