Policy Briefs: Effects of Transportation and Land Use Policies and Strategies on Vehicle Use, Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Principal Investigator/Author: Dillon Fitch-Polse
Contractor: University of California, Davis
Sub-contractors: University of Southern California
Contract Number: 21STC014
Project Status: Active
Relevant CARB Programs: Sustainable Communities & Climate Protection Program
Topic Areas: Research on Effects of Transportation and Land Use-Related Policies, Research on Land Use and Transportation Planning, Sustainable Communities Strategies
Research Summary:
CARB staff has collaborated with researchers to create policy briefs to support public agencies involved in the creation of sustainable communities and implementing SB 375. The policy briefs examine the latest academic studies about transportation and land use strategies that are intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled. Twenty-three policy briefs about different strategies were originally produced in 2014. The current (2022-2024) research project will update some of the original policy briefs and will also create additional policy briefs on new and emerging topics and strategies. Policy briefs resulting from the current project will also have an enhanced emphasis on social equity.
Keywords: vehicle miles traveled, VMT, driving, light duty vehicles, LDV, induced travel, highway construction, bicycling, bicycle, walking, pedestrian, climate actions, equitable climate policy, sustainable communities, equity, greenhouse gas emissions, low carbon transportation, social equity, climate change, sustainable communities strategies, SCS, transportation, land use, transportation and land use, urban planning, city planning, freeways, greenhouse gas reduction strategies, sustainable neighborhoods, Scoping Plan