Community Air Grants - 2018
The Community Air Grants solicitation closed April 19, 2018 and applications are no longer being accepted.
As an initial step toward building the capacity of California communities to participate in the implementation of AB 617, CARB has developed the Community Air Grants Program. This program allows flexibility for community based organizations to participate in the AB 617 process and to build their own capacities to become active partners with government to identify, evaluate, and ultimately reduce exposure to harmful air emissions in their neighborhoods.
Eligible entities include: community based non-profit groups; California Native American Tribes; and faith-based organizations, with proposed projects exclusively for the purposes of AB 617 community participation. Awardees will be announced by summer 2018.
Examples of what Community Air Grants may be used to fund include, but are not limited to:
- Community engagement and outreach related to AB 617.
- Hiring consultants or technical experts.
- Travel and logistical support for hosting or attending meetings related to AB 617 (i.e., room rental, meeting facilitation, transportation).
- Support for community operated air monitoring.
- Data collection and analysis, including community based participatory research projects.
Community Air Protection Program Related Resources
Proposed Awardees - CARB is posting the proposed Community Air Grant Awardee List
Applicant List - CARB is posting the complete Community Air Grant Applicant List in accordance with the California Climate Investments Funding Guidelines
Air Grant Guidelines - The Community Air Grants Program aims to provide support for community-based organizations to participate in the AB 617 process
Guía para las Subvenciones - El Programa de las Subvenciones del Aire en la Comunidad tiene como objetivo brindar suporte a las organizaciones comunitarias para participar en el proceso de la ley AB 617
Q & A - The California Air Resources Board (CARB) held a Community Air Grants teleconference to answers questions regarding the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Grant solicitation. This document is a compilation of questions and answers that we have received by email and during the teleconference.
CAP Funds - Funding through the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program (Moyer Program) or clean truck projects through the Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program (Proposition 1B).