2018 Aerosol Coating and Aerosol Adhesive Products Survey
The 2018 Survey
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) conducted the 2018 Aerosol Coating and Aerosol Adhesive Products Survey (2018 Survey) to gather data about aerosol coating and aerosol adhesive products sold or supplied for use in California during calendar year 2018. The deadline to report for the 2018 Survey was on March 1, 2020. CARB provided extensions to several respondents that were unable to complete the survey by the required deadline because of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
A preliminary summary of the submitted survey data is available for stakeholder review:
- Please email comments on the preliminary data summary to Consumer Products Help
- Include in the subject line: “2018 AC and AA Survey Data Comment”
- Comments on the preliminary data summary will be accepted until June 30, 2022
The 2018 Survey represents part of CARB’s ongoing effort to evaluate the feasibility of further reducing volatile organic compound (VOC), toxic air contaminant (TAC), and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from aerosol coating and aerosol adhesive products, and to update the emissions inventory of aerosol coating and aerosol adhesive products. The survey data provides useful information about how products were reformulated to meet new VOC and reactivity limits that became effective in 2017. The data gathered in this survey may be used to help California meet its federally mandated commitments for VOC reductions under the Clean Air Act.
Completion of the 2018 Survey was mandatory under California State Law (title 17, California Code of Regulation, sections 94513 and 94524(c)). Each company, firm, or establishment ("Responsible Party") listed on the label of an aerosol coating or aerosol adhesive product that was sold or supplied for use in California during calendar year 2018 was required to complete this survey.
CARB's Consumer Products Program is a key part of overall efforts to reduce the amount of smog-forming VOCs, TACs, and GHGs that are emitted from use of chemically formulated consumer products in California. CARB's Consumer Products Regulations have resulted in emission reductions of nearly 50 percent since 1990.
We appreciate the effort, resources, and commitment industry has put forth to complete the 2018 Survey.
For questions or comments regarding the 2018 Survey, please email Consumer Products Help.
2018 Survey Documents
Instructions for completing the 2018 Survey
- Appendix A - List of Hydrocarbon Solvent Bins
- Appendix B - LVP-VOC, Inorganic, and Group Total Ingredients for Aerosol Adhesive Products to Report
- Appendix C - U.S. Resident Population
- Appendix D - List of Survey Categories