J&P Cycles, LLC Settlement
J&P Cycles, LLC. Settles for $229,500
J&P Cycles, LLC. (J&P), located in Coppell, Texas, is a seller of on-road motorcycle parts. After a two-year investigation beginning in 2018, J&P settled its case with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) in February 2020. During a routine investigation, CARB determined that J&P advertised, sold, and offered for sale aftermarket fuel systems, electronic control units (ECU) tuners, and exhaust kits and/or systems, without legal exemptions to California anti-tampering laws. This conduct was in violation of California Vehicle Code sections 27156(c) and title 13, California Code of Regulations, section 2222(b)(2). Such parts replace or modify vital original emission components and manufacturer specified engine operating conditions, and thus must be evaluated by CARB to demonstrate a vehicle’s continued emissions compliance. J&P cooperated fully with CARB to resolve this case, and consequently agreed to pay a total penalty amount of $229,500, with half the funds going toward a Supplemental Environmental Project for the installation of Residential Air Filtration Systems.