Invitation to Attend a Community Meeting in the Eastern Coachella Valley to Discuss the Community Air Protection Program and Incentive Funds
Invitation to Attend a Community Meeting in the Eastern Coachella Valley to Discuss the Community Air Protection Program and Incentive Funds
The California Air Resources Board (CARB), the South Coast Air Quality Management District, and the Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability, invite you to participate in a community meeting for the Community Air Protection Program.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB), the South Coast Air Quality Management District, and the Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability, invite you to participate in a community meeting for the Community Air Protection Program. This program focuses on improving public health in communities that experience disproportionate burdens from exposure to air pollutants. You can ask questions, engage in discussions, and learn more about the Community Air Protection Program and incentive funds.
The meeting will be held at the location and date shown below. Please note this community meeting will be conducted in Spanish, with English interpretation provided.
en español
DATE: February 22, 2019
TIME: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
LOCATION: North Shore Beach and Yacht Club, 99155 Sea View Drive, Mecca, CA 92254
Background – Community Air Protection Program
Assembly Bill (AB) 617 (C. Garcia, Chapter 136, 2017) was signed into law in July 2017. CARB established the Community Air Protection Program to implement AB 617, which requires new community-focused action to reduce air pollution and improve public health in communities that experience disproportionate burdens from exposure to air pollutants. This new program is evolving as we learn from our initial efforts and we welcome community members’ ideas and comments as we seek ways to improve air quality for burdened communities throughout California. Collaborating with communities is essential to the success of this Program.
On September 27, 2018, the Board selected ten communities for the first year of this program to implement community emissions reduction programs, community air monitoring, or both. The Board also approved the “Community Air Protection Blueprint” which contains detailed Program requirements (Blueprint). This document includes: processes and criteria for identifying and selecting impacted communities; statewide strategies to reduce emissions of criteria air pollutants and toxic air contaminants; and requirements for the development of community air monitoring plans and community emissions reduction programs. AB 617 requires the Board to conduct an annual assessment of potential communities for subsequent years of this program, and community meetings provide the opportunity for discussion on guiding principles and process.
To help clean up the air in burdened communities, the Legislature has also provided $495 million in grant funds over two years for incentive projects through local air districts. Community Air Protection Funds are part of California Climate Investments, a statewide program that puts Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment-particularly in disadvantaged communities. These Community Air Protection Funds support early actions and advanced technologies to improve local air quality by reducing pollution from vehicles, equipment, and industrial sources.
Additional Information
Meeting notices and community meeting materials will be available in English and Spanish. Staff also welcomes additional meetings or phone calls to discuss the Program with stakeholders. Meeting materials will be available before the community meeting at the following website locations.
Community Air Protection Program
Community Air Protection Incentive Program
To receive meeting notices and email updates for the Community Air Protection Program, please subscribe below:
For similar information on Community Air Protection Funds, please subscribe by clicking below:
For further questions on community meetings, please email Ms. Monique Davis, Staff Air Pollution Specialist, or call (916) 322-7304.
Special Accommodations Request
Consistent with California Government Code Section 7296.2, special accommodation or language needs may be provided for any of the following:
- An interpreter to be available at the meeting;
- Documents made available in an alternate format or another language;
- A disability-related reasonable accommodation.
To request these special accommodations or language needs, please contact Monique Davis at (916) 322-7304 as soon as possible, but no later than five business days before the scheduled meeting. TTY/TDD/Speech to Speech users may dial 711 for the California Relay Service.
Consecuente con la sección 7296.2 del Código de Gobierno de California, una acomodación especial o necesidades lingüísticas pueden ser suministradas para cualquiera de los siguientes:
- Un intérprete que esté disponible en la audiencia;
- Documentos disponibles en un formato alterno u otro idioma;
- Una acomodación razonable relacionados con una incapacidad.
Para solicitar estas comodidades especiales o necesidades de otro idioma, favor de contactar a Andrea Juarez al (626) 450-6158 lo más pronto posible, pero no menos de 5 días de trabajo antes de la junta programada. TTY/TDD/Personas que necesiten este servicio pueden marcar el 711 para el Servicio de Retransmisión de Mensajes de California.