George E. Warren Corporation Case Settlement
George E. Warren Corporation Case Settles for $735,000
On July 16th 2017, CARB discovered that George E. Warren Corporation (GE Warren) imported non-compliant fuel from overseas, which was sold to and distributed by Shell Pipeline Company (Shell). The non-compliant fuel was supplied to multiple terminals from the Shell Carson terminal.
CARB alleges 14 violations of 13 CCR 2265(a)(2)(B) for failure to report accurate fuel specifications in accordance with the applicable Predictive Model procedures. CARB alleges 18 violations for supplying or offering to supply non-compliant fuel from the overseas import vessel. CARB finally alleges 14 violations of 13 CCR 2268(a) for retail sales of non-compliant fuel.
Once informed about the non-compliant fuel, GE Warren and Shell took prompt action to correct the fuel properties of all the non-compliant fuel that had not gone out through retail. After correcting the fuel properties, GE Warren and Shell are now in compliance with the CaRFG regulation. GE Warren agreed to offset a portion of the penalty by funding six Supplemental Environmental Projects for a combined total offset of approximately $351,327.00.
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