Best Practices and Capacity Building for Local Government Implementation of Climate Action Policies
Join CARB for a presentation by Dr. Catherine Brinkley from UC Davis and Dr. Michael Boswell of California Polytechnic San Luis Obispo on the final findings from a two-year project on Best Practices and Capacity Building for Local Government Implementation of Climate Action Policies. As part of this project, researchers launched tools for informing local action, conducted plan evaluations to identify best practices for local governments, and supported statewide capacity building sessions with Community Based Partners identify promising policymaking approaches for three priority policy areas: reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT), zero emission vehicle (ZEV) readiness, and building decarbonization.
The presentation will cover findings from the project, including reviewing tools for informing local actions - the statewide search engine for General Plans, PlanSearch and the California Climate Action Plan Database; an overview of the state of and approaches to climate planning at the local level, and recommendations for local and state strategies to advance climate action from 13 workshops, with attendees representing over 155 agencies, companies and organizations.
- Tuesday, October 22 from 9:30 to 11am.
- Join via Zoom. Password: 681250
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