A-Z Gas and Smog Settlement
Settlement Date
Mayo 2014
Enforcement Division Web Administrator
Correo electrónico
A-Z Gas and Smog Case Settles for $5,000
In May 2014, A-Z Smog & Gas service station agreed to pay $5,000 in penalties for violating California diesel sulfur limits associated with the California diesel fuel regulation. The case was settled with an initial payment of $2,500 paid on May 27, 2014, with the remainder in installments of $500 a month for five months. On November 29, 2011, and on December 6, 2011, the Enforcement Division obtained diesel samples from the service station which were analyzed by ARB showing the diesel fuel had sulfur content exceeding the State standard of 15 ppm. The station is located in Azusa, California. These violations were discovered by ARB staff during routine fuel sampling inspections.
A-Z Gas and Smog Settlement Agreement
A_Z_SA.PDF · 268 KB