Thermo King Corporation Settlement
Thermo King Corporation Case Settles for $213,200.00
In May 2013, Thermo King Corporation (TKC) paid $213,200.00 in penalties to the California Air Pollution Control Fund, for violating air quality regulations. The Air Pollution Control Fund provides funding for projects and research to improve California's air quality.
An investigation by the Air Resources Board showed that TKC continued to sell eDPF (DPF, filter) after the conditional verification had expired. This is in violation of the Verification Procedure and the applicable verification letters issued by the ARB. To settle the case, TKC agreed to the $213,200.00 penalty and to comply with ARB’s Verification Procedure and the applicable Executive Order. In addition, TKC agreed: a) not to sell filters in the future without ARB’s written approval, b) extend the warranty for filters not covered by verification letters to 3000 hours and c) notify the affected end-users.
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