Speciate ORGPROF FIle Information
Emission Inventory
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CHEMXREF: This file contains the unique ARBCHEM chemical code listing for the compounds in CARB's TOG (total organic gas) and PM (particulate matter) speciation profiles. It also contains the CHEMNAME text descriptions of the compounds, and the CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) codes for cross-referencing to the chemical codes of other organizations.
- ARBCHEM: Field containing CARB's arbitrary 5 digit chemical code. This is not the same as any code used by any other organization. It used to be referred to as the SAROAD code, but that allowed for confusion, since other organizations also used the "SAROAD" designation. The linkage to the CAS code is very important, since the CAS code is the standard code used by many organizations. Unfortunately, not all of the compound groupings included in CARB speciation profiles have CAS codes, and in some cases there may be multiple CAS codes for a given ARB speciation profile. The ARBCHEM code reduces the possibility of confusion.
- CAS: This is the code system of the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), which is widely used for tracking chemical compounds. This is not a unique code listing, and there are often many synonyms listed. In addition, there are compound groupings used by CARB that are not found in the CAS code listing. Because of these reasons, CARB uses its own unique 5 digit code (the ARBCHEM, described above) and then cross-links the ARBCHEM code to the CAS code, whenever a CAS code exists for the ARBCHEM code. The CAS code can then be used to link to codes used by other organizations.
- CHEMNAME: Field containing the text description of the compound. There can be many synonyms for the compounds, and the CHEMNAME field is only intended to be one of the more common text descriptions.
Master-detail link diagram
Using the data
The compound codes and definitions in this file are primarily used to track speciation results, cross-reference other compound listings, and, thereby provide inputs for various compound-driven modeling applications.