Public Workshop to Discuss Policy Recommendations to Improve Zero-Emission Transportation Programs
There is a recording of the workshop available. It is not our custom to record workshops, but since it was recorded we are making it available.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) staff invites you to participate in a public workshop to discuss the Assessment of CARB’s Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Programs per Senate Bill (SB) 498 (Skinner, Statutes of 2017). SB 498 requires CARB to review its programs that affect the adoption of light-duty, medium-duty, and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles, and provide policy recommendations on how to maximize the effectiveness of existing programs to expand the use of these vehicles in vehicle fleet use and on a general use basis.
CARB staff will host a public workshop on May 31st to discuss the draft policy recommendations in response to SB 498.
DATE: Friday, May 31, 2019
TIME: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
LOCATION: Environmental Protection Agency
Sierra Hearing Room, Second Floor
1001 I Street Sacramento, California 95814
The workshop will be available remotely for those unable to attend in person.
Staff’s presentation and any additional workshop-related documents will be posted here prior to the workshop.
The transportation sector and the fuels that power them remain a leading source of air pollution. Internal combustion engines and the fuels they use contribute over 80 percent of the smog-forming NOx and diesel particulate matter emissions statewide, posing a persistent challenge to meeting National Ambient Air Quality Standards if not addressed. Additionally, the transportation sector accounts for almost 50 percent of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in California when accounting for associated fuel production. SB 32 – the California Global Warming Solutions Act as amended in 2016 – set forth a statewide greenhouse gas reduction goal of 40 percent below the 1990 level by 2030. As outlined in the 2017 Scoping Plan, zero-emission vehicle programs are essential to achieving California’s public health protection, air quality, and climate change goals.
With the enactment of SB 498, the Legislature tasked CARB with reporting on its programs that affect the adoption of light-, medium-, and heavy-duty ZEVs, including reviewing the program goals and status in meeting those goals, conducting a cost-benefit analysis, identifying policy recommendations for increasing the adoption of ZEVs in the state, and comparing ZEV programs from other jurisdictions. Statute requires CARB to consider public comments on a draft report of its policy recommendations before submitting the report to the Legislature. Therefore, CARB staff have scheduled this public workshop to solicit public comment on draft recommendations and will present the draft report to the Board this summer.
If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please contact Ms. Melanie Zauscher at (916) 322-0516.