Guidelines and Advisories for the Lower-Emission School Bus Program
The Lower-Emission School Bus Program Guidelines (Guidelines) describes revisions to comply with requirements of Proposition 1B, the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, and its enabling legislation, Senate Bill 88 (SB 88; Stats 2007 Ch 181) and the accountability requirements of Governor Schwarzenegger’s EO S-02-07, as well as to make necessary administrative and technical updates. The 2008 Guidelines were approved by the California Air Resources Board on March 27, 2008. Since that date, a series of revisions and clarifications have been issued and are listed below starting with the most recent update. The LESBP Guidelines must be used along with the subsequent advisories.
The 2008 LESBP Guidelines and all Advisories listed below are included in the combined PDF file for download.
Advisory/Mailout No. | Date | Title |
20-03 | 02/20/2020 | Lower-Emission School Bus Program Mail-Out #MSC 20-03 - Flexibility When Using Assembly Bill 923 to Fund Replacement School Buses |
15-30 Attachment B | 12/18/2015 | Approved Revisions to the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines and to the Lower-Emission School Bus Program Guidelines as a Result of Senate Bill 513 Attachment B - Revised Language for the 2008 Lower-Emission School Bus Program Guidelines |
15-30 | 12/18/2015 | Approved Revisions to the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines and to the Lower-Emission School Bus Program Guidelines as a Result of Senate Bill 513 |
15-26 | 10/21/2015 | The Lower-Emission School Bus Program - Replacement School Bus Emission Criteria - Effective January 1, 2016 Until Rescinded |
15-25 | 11/2/2015 | Proposed Revisions to the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines and to the Lower-Emission School Bus Program Guidelines as a Result of Senate Bill 513 |
15-19 | 10/13/2015 | The Lower-Emission School Bus Program - Using Assembly Bill 923 Funds for Zero-Emission School Bus Fleet Expansions and All-Electric School Bus Conversions |
15-01 | 1/12/2015 | The Lower-Emission School Bus Program - Replacement Bus Emission Criteria - Effective January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 |
14-12 | 9/2/2014 | The Lower-Emission School Bus Program - Clarification of Dismantling Requirements |
13-33 | 12/27/2013 | The Lower-Emission School Bus Program - Replacement Bus Emission Criteria - Effective January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 |
13-21 | 8/30/2013 | The Lower-Emission School Bus Program - Guidance For Transferring Ownership And Terminating A Contract For A Grant-Funded School Bus |
13-02 | 1/22/2013 | The Lower-Emission School Bus Program - 2013 Model Year Replacement Bus Emission Criteria - Effective January 1, 2013 To December 31, 2013 |
12-18 | 9/25/2012 | The Lower-Emission School Bus Program - Revisions To Implementation Deadlines |
12-15 Attachment | The Lower-Emission School Bus Program - Expenditure Deadline Extension And Movement Of Funds Attachment - Redirection of Funds to Another District | |
12-15 | 8/9/2012 | The Lower-Emission School Bus Program - Expenditure Deadline Extension And Movement Of Funds |
11-37 | 12/20/2011 | The Lower-Emission School Bus Program --- Guideline Revisions |
11-31 | 10/11/2011 | Administrative Clarifications For Incentive Programs: Diesel Particulate Filters That Must Be Replaced Or For Which Sales Have Been Suspended By the Manufacturer |
11-17 | 8/16/2011 | Lower-Emission School Bus Program --- Retrofit Eligibility |
11-16 | 5/25/2011 | Lower-Emission School Bus Program --- 2008 Guideline Revisions |
11-02 | 1/26/2011 | Lower-Emission School Bus Program Mail-Out 11-02 - 2011 Model Year Emission Standards Required For Program Funding |
10-45 | 10/18/2010 | Lower-Emission School Bus Program Mail-out. Additional Flexibility Using Assembly Bill 923 to Fund Replacement School Buses and Clarification of Alternative-Fueled Terminology |
10-36 | 8/25/2010 | Lower-Emission School Bus Program Mail-out. Fifth and Sixth Installment of Bond Funding |
10-24 Attachment 1 | 5/25/2010 | Revised Language for the 2008 LESBP Guidelines |
10-24 | 5/10/2010 | Board Approved Near-Term Revisions to the Lower-Emission School Bus Program Guidelines and the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines |
10-19 | 4/19/2010 | Lower-Emission School Bus Program Mail-Out--Replacement Of School Buses With CHP Safety Certification Documentation Options |
10-11 Attachment | 3/18/2010 | Specific Implementation Deadline-Related Revisions to the 2008 Lower-Emission School Bus Program Guidelines |
10-11 | 3/18/2010 | Lower-Emission School Bus Program Mail-Out--Project Restrictions And Revisions To Implementation Deadlines |
09-47 | 12/23/2009 | Public Workshop To Discuss Revisions To The Lower-Emission School Bus Program And The Carl Moyer Program |
09-46 | 12/23/2009 | Lower-Emission School Bus Program Mail-Out--Extension Of Contract Execution Dates For Replacement School Buses With Model Year 2009 Engines |
09-24 Attachment | 7/15/2009 | Lower-Emission School Bus Program Advisory 09-002 Eligible Project Restrictions And Revisions To Implementation Deadlines Attachment |
09-24 | 7/15/2009 | Lower-Emission School Bus Program Advisory 09-002 Eligible Project Restrictions And Revisions To Implementation Deadlines |
09-18 | 5/1/2009 | School Bus Equipment Option |
09-02 | 1/5/2009 | Proposition 1B School Bus Program Funding |
09-01 | 1/5/2009 | Eligible Applicants for New Replacement School Buses |
08-36 | 12/10/2008 | Eligible Costs for School Bus Replacements |
08-27 | 9/24/2008 | Match Funding Options For 1977 - 1986 Model Year School Bus Replacements |
08-003 | July 2008 | Using AB 923 Funds to Replace 1987-1993 Model Year Two-Stroke Engine School Buses |
08-002 | July 2008 | Documentation of Continuous Safety Certification |
08-001 | July 2008 | Documentation of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Fueling Station and Active Retrofit Devices Infrastructure Expenditures |