Distributed Generation Certification Evaluation Tool
California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff uses the distributed generation (DG) certification evaluation tool to determine if an applicant’s equipment complies with the DG regulation standards. In addition, DG certification applicants may use this tool to determine if their equipment complies with the DG regulation before submitting their application to CARB.
To use the tool, enter the source test data to be analyzed in rows 7 through 21 and columns C, D, and E. The tool calculates nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and volatile organic compounds (VOC) emission rates in both lb/hr and lb/MWh units. The tool also calculates NOx as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), VOCs as hexane, and the efficiency of the equipment. These calculated emission rates are compared to the standards to determine whether or not the equipment meets the DG certification.