Redwood Plaza Auto Group Settlement
Mobile Source Enforcement Section (MSES) Study of Bugs Pays Off - Totaling Over $1 Million
The Department of Pesticide Regulation should be proud. The Air Resources Board (ARB) has managed to remove nasty bugs from California without any pesticides. From early 1997-1999, Ken Scheiler d.b.a. Bug Motors illegally imported, delivered, offered for sale and sold 138 old-style Mexican Volkswagen Beetles produced for sale in Mexico. These vehicles were not certified for sale in California or anywhere in the United States.
Steve Schneider d.b.a. Redwood Auto Plaza (RAP) Group Inc., Mike Talebi and Marc Fogel all offered for sale and sold the Bug Motors' vehicles as well. After a thorough investigation of the violations of Health and Safety Code Sections 43150-43156 by the ARB's Mobile Source Enforcement Section, the case was referred to the California Attorney General's office for prosecution. Judge James C. Chalfant of the Los Angeles County Superior Court signed a Judgement against Bug Motors, Ken Scheiler, RAP Group Inc. and Steve Schneider on December 10, 2001. In addition, the other two defendants, Mike Talebi and Marc Fogel, signed Partial Consent Decrees in August 2001 and December 2001, respectively. A total of $1,052,500 has been awarded to the ARB in this case.