Pacific Audio & Alarm, Inc. dba Pacific Performance Engineering Settlement
Pacific Audio & Alarm, Inc. Case Settles for $240,000
On July 23, 2015, Pacific Audio & Alarm, Inc., DBA Pacific Performance Engineering (PPE) settled its case with the Air Resources Board (ARB) and the California Attorney General’s Office involving the company’s diesel performance parts in violation of California’s anti-tampering laws. ARB determined a number of such parts were illegally sold in the state during the past several years, including diesel tuners and other exhaust products. PPE cooperated with ARB during its investigation and has agreed not to install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise in California any aftermarket part in violation of the California’s anti-tampering laws. Furthermore, PPE agreed to an exchange/recall program covering all the diesel performance products illegally sold, in addition to a civil penalty.
A total civil penalty of $240,000 will be paid for violating air quality regulations: $180,000 to the California Air Pollution Control Fund, which provides funding for projects and research to improve California's air quality; $60,000 to the School Bus and Diesel Emission Reduction Supplemental Environmental Project which primarily assists school districts with funding to ensure protection of children’s health while continuing home-to-school transportation, assists compliance with the In-Use Truck and Bus Regulation, and results in emission reduction benefits.