Program Overview
In a letter dated January 9, 2019, the Central Valley Air Quality Coalition (CVAQC) petitioned the California Air Resources Board (Board) to conduct a review of the SJVAPCD ERC bank. In support of the petition, CVAQC included a report prepared by Earthworks entitled “Undeserved Credit: Why Emissions Banking in California’s San Joaquin Valley Puts Air Quality at Risk,” (November 2018). The Earthworks’ report questioned the validity of selected older ERCs, the annual federal offset equivalency demonstration, and made a number of recommendations, including that CARB review the ERC program. At its January 24, 2019 meeting, the Board requested staff review SJVAPCD’s ERC banking program and address the issues raised in the Earthworks report. Staff will report back to the Board in September 2019 after evaluating:
- Selected SJVAPCD banking actions and certificates,
- SJVAPCD’s Annual Offset Equivalency Tracking System; and
- Related elements of the SJVAPVD New Source Review (NSR) program, permitting, and the broader SJVAPCD program for reducing stationary source emissions.