On-Road Motorcycles
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The California Air Resources Board (CARB) administers a program for reducing emissions from On-Road Motorcycles (ONMC). Current emissions limits for ONMCs are given in California Code of Regulations (CCR), title 13, sections 1958 (exhaust) and 1976 (evaporative). The California exhaust emission test procedures are adopted from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (U.S. EPA's) exhaust test procedures, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), title 40, part 86, subparts E and F.
Requirements for ONMC certification include provisions for demonstrating compliance with the applicable emission standards using specific test procedures, as well as emission labeling and warranty obligations.
Looking to the future, CARB’s Mobile Source Strategy calls for an 80% reduction in smog forming emissions in the South Coast and a 45% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions statewide. In order to reach these goals, it is important that CARB seek the most cost-effective emissions reductions across all mobile source categories, including ONMC.
CARB staff has developed a regulatory proposal to further reduce emissions from ONMC by applying more stringent emissions standards and progressively increasing the number of zero-emission motorcycles sold each year, starting in model year 2028. The proposal is based on the “Euro 5” emissions standards and test procedures that have been in place in the European Union (EU) since 2020, with additional measures to reduce evaporative emissions, align with U.S. EPA requirements, ensure real-world emission reductions over the life of the vehicle, and gradually increase the prevalence of zero-emission motorcycles. Please visit the ONMC rulemaking page for additional details.