ETS: Publications
Air Toxics
Correo electrónico
CARB Reports
- CARB ETS Factsheet
- CARB/OEHHA Toxic Air Contaminant Identification Reports
- Scientific Review Panel Findings on ETS
Federal Government Reports
U.S. Surgeon General's Report on Secondhand Smoke (2006)
Indoor Air Quality - Research/Studies
Assessing Exposure to Air Toxics from Environmental Tobacco Smoke. 94-344, June 1998 - Description of Study
Disclaimer - Ch5 pt 3.3
Ch 6 - Appendices
Toxic Volatile Organic Compounds in Environmental Tobacco Smoke: Emission Factors for Modeling Exposure of California Populations. A133-186, October 1994 - Description of Study
PTEAM: Particle Total Exposure Assessment Methodology Study. A933-144, December 1992 - Description of Study
Section 1 - Section 7
Section 8 - Appendix C
Appendix D - Appendix K
Indoor Pollutant Concentrations and Exposures. A833-156, January 1991 - Description of Study
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