Concept Paper for the Freight Handbook
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The Concept Paper for the Freight Handbook is intended to support public review, discussion, and implementation of the identified practices for the siting, design, construction, and operation of freight facilities to minimize community exposure to air pollution from freight.
Originally, CARB planned to draft a Freight Handbook following the initial comment period for this Concept Paper. CARB staff received subsequent direction to prioritize and accelerate the development and implementation of freight regulations that address the public health concerns identified in the Concept Paper. CARB no longer plans on producing a standalone Freight Handbook document but will continue to provide implementation tools through the Community Air Protection Resource Center.
CARB continues to encourage local governments and Air Districts to work with their communities and freight industries to continue the discussions initiated in the Concept Paper for the Freight Handbook, and implement actions that address public health impacts that are specific to their areas.