Organization – Air Quality Planning and Science Division
Michael Benjamin, Chief, (279) 208-7963
Vernon Hughes, Assistant Division Chief, (279) 842-9956
Jake Rivas, Executive Assistant, (916) 720-3001
Charlotte Langston, Manager, Administrative Analysis Section, (279) 208-7545
Special Assessment Branch
Mena Shah, Branch Chief, (916) 374-7165
Charanya Varadarajan, Manager, Area Source Improvement and Community Inventory Development Section, (279) 208-7320
Owen Gong, Manager, Criteria Pollutant and Air Toxics Reporting Section, (279) 208-7865
Yanju Chen, Manager, Community Air Quality Section, (279) 208-7443
Emission Inventory and Economic Analysis Branch
Nicole Bourne, Branch Chief, (279) 208-7344
Anny Huang, Manager, Emission Inventory Analysis Section, (279) 208-7209
Stephanie Huber, Manager, Criteria Pollutant Inventory Section, (279) 842-9562
Stephen Zelinka, Manager, Toxic Inventory and Special Projects Section, (279) 842-9572
William Leung, Manager, Office of Economic and Policy Analysis, (279) 842-9148
Modeling and Meteorology Branch
Jeremy Avise, Branch Chief, (279) 208-7643
Chenxia Cai, Manager, Regional Air Quality Modeling Section, (951) 542-3094
Leonardo Ramirez, Manager, Atmospheric Modeling and Support Section, (279) 208-7835
Pingkuan Di, Manager, Regulatory and Risk Modeling Section, (279) 208-7439
Gregory Vlasek, Manager, Agriculture and Prescribed Burning Section, (916) 282-6277
Air Quality Planning Branch
Sylvia Vanderspek, Branch Chief, (279) 842-9681
Jin Xu, Manager, Air Quality Analysis Section, (279) 208-7663
Alicia Adams, Manager, Central Valley Air Quality Planning Section, (279) 208-7154
Ariel Fideldy, Manager, South Coast Air Quality Planning Section, (279) 208-7225
Mobile Source Analysis Branch
David Quiros, Branch Chief, (916) 264-9378
Cory Parmer, Manager, Off-Road Diesel Analysis Section, (279) 208-7361
Sara Forestieri, Manager, On-Road Model Development Section, (279) 842-9032
Jiachen Zhang, Manager, Mobile Source Technology Assessment and Modeling Section, (951) 542-3438
Satya Sardar, Manager, On-Road Light Duty Analysis Section, (951) 542-3376
David Chou, Manager, Off-Road Gasoline Inventory Section, (951) 542-3124
Consumer Products and Air Quality Assessment Branch
Ravi Ramalingam, Branch Chief, (279) 208-7644
Jose Gomez, Manager, Technical Development Section, (279) 208-7695
Moslem Hossein-Mardi, Manager, Implementation Section, (916) 440-8282
Craig Anderson, Manager, Air Quality Data Section, (279) 208-7368