Nonvehicular Source, Consumer Products and Architectural Coating Fees
Section 39612 of the Health and Safety Code authorizes CARB to impose additional fees on nonvehicular sources (facilities) that emit 250 tons or more per year of any nonattainment pollutant or its precursors. Section 39613 authorizes fees for emissions from consumer products and architectural coatings sold in the state if a manufacturer's total sales will result in emissions of 250 tons or more per year of volatile organic compounds. These fees are used by the ARB to mitigate or reduce air pollution created by nonvehicular sources in the state.
Program Information
Comprehensive Fee Regulation: Comprehensive fee regulations as approved by the Office of Administrative Law on March 3, 2005.
Fee Rates Summary: Comprehensive Fee Regulations document for an explanation of how these fees are calculated.
Expenditure Reports
Methodologies for Determining Fee Emissions for Consumer Product Manufacturers
March 3, 2005 Amendments to the Fee Regulations
On November 18, 2004, the Air Resources Board adopted amendments to the fee regulations originally approved by the Board in July 2003. The amendments became effective March 3, 2005.
- Rulemaking Documents
- Board Presentation Outline of the staff's presentation to the Board on November 18, 2004.
Public Workshop to Discuss Proposed Amendments to the Fee Regulations
On September 14, 2004, CARB staff conducted a public workshop in Sacramento to discuss proposed amendments to the fee regulations.
February 5, 2004 Amendments to the Fee Regulations
On July 24, 2003, the Board adopted amendments to the existing fee regulations to implement the provisions of Assembly Bill (AB) 10X. The amendments became effective February 5, 2004.
- Rulemaking Documents
- Enabling Legislation: AB 10X (Stats. 2003, Chapter 1X)
- Board Presentation: Outline of the staff's presentation to the Board at its July 24, 2003, meeting.
- "Fee Nexus" Determination: How the "Fee Nexus" in the Initial Statement of Reasons (Staff Report) was determined.
Public Workshops to Discuss Proposed Amendments
On May 1, 2003, CARB staff held a public workshop in Sacramento to discuss the proposed fees.
On June 24, 2003, CARB staff held a second public workshop in Sacramento to discuss the proposed fees.