On-Road Grant Calculator

Down For Maintenance Until Further Notice


The Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program (Carl Moyer Program) provides grant funding for cleaner-than-required engines and equipment. California air districts administer these grants and select which projects to fund. CARB works collaboratively with the air districts and other stakeholders to set Guidelines and ensure the Program reduces pollution and provides cleaner air for Californians. Senate Bill (SB) 513 (Beall, 2015) provided new opportunities for the Program such as a tiered cost-effectiveness approach that will allow the Program to more effectively incentivize deployment of cleaner technologies. This two-step approach supports both conventional diesel clean-up projects and emerging technologies at appropriate funding levels. The general cost-effectiveness limit is currently set at $30,000 per weighted ton of emission reductions. For advanced technology projects that are zero-emission, or alternatively meet the cleanest certified optional standard applicable by source category, air districts can apply a cost-effectiveness limit of up to $100,000 per weighted ton. This higher cost-effectiveness limit provides additional incentive to turn engines and fleets over to the cleanest certified technologies now emerging in the marketplace.

To simplify the process, the following on-road grant calculator determines the potential maximum grant amounts for eligible Moyer Program projects. This potential grant amount is not a blanket approval of the proposed projects and does not account for meeting all of the eligibility requirements provided in the Carl Moyer Guidelines. Air districts have the discretion to set certain local eligibility requirements based upon local priorities, for additional information please contact your local air district. For details regarding eligible project categories and requirements, visit Carl Moyer Program Guidelines. A demonstration of the calculator functionality can be found here.



Contact: MoyerHelp@arb.ca.gov