Paramount Petroleum Corp., Alon Supply, Inc. Settlement
Settlement Date
Febrero 2018
Enforcement Division Web Administrator
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Paramount Petroleum Corp., Alon Supply, Inc. Case Settles for $300,000
Paramount Petroleum Corp., Alon Supply, Inc., and CARB agreed to a $300,000 judgment in People ex rel. CARB v. Paramount Petroleum Corp., et alia. The Attorney General filed suit against Paramount Petroleum and Alon Supply alleging that the companies had over-reported and under-reported fuel volumes to CARB in multiple quarterly reports required by the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). The most serious lapse was the failure in one quarter to report the production of approximately 13 million gallons of gasoline blendstock. Paramount also violated the LCFS by filing at least one annual report that reflected a net deficit balance.The Superior Court in Los Angeles County entered judgment on March 6, 2018.
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Paramount Petroleum Corp., Alon Supply, Inc. Settlement Agreement