an image of 30 class 8 fuel cell electric trucks in a line viewed from at an angle, blue sky in background

Clean Truck Partnership

The Clean Truck Partnership (CTP), is an agreement between CARB, the Truck and Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA), and other major truck manufacturers that represent over 90 percent of California’s truck market. In exchange for commitments that the companies will meet California’s vehicle standards and will require the sale and adoption of zero-emission (ZE) technology, regardless of whether any other entity challenges California’s authority to set more stringent emissions standards under the federal Clean Air Act. CARB has agreed to work collaboratively with manufacturers to provide more lead time to meet CARB’s existing regulatory requirements before imposing new regulations, and to support the development of necessary ZE infrastructure.

Commitment List - Status and Outcomes

This commitment list contains the status and outcome of CARB's tasks and actions outlined in the Clean Truck Partnership Agreement