2023 – Assembly Bill 769 (Bauer-Kahan, Rebecca), Personal Income Tax Law: Corporation Tax Law: Credits: Carbon Reduction (2-Year)
Bill Number
AB 769
Legislative Session
Bill Information
Administrative Procedures, Air Quality and Emissions, Local Air Districts
Office of Legislative Affairs
Correo electrónico
Allows, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2023, and before January 1, 2028, a credit against State taxes for a qualified taxpayer in an amount equal to $800 per ton of criteria air pollutant reduced beyond the baseline amount. The bill defines “qualified taxpayer” to mean a major source emitter, as defined, that has emissions levels of criteria air pollutants for the taxable year at least 5 percent below the requirements set by the federal Clean Air Act. The bill also defines “baseline amount” with respect to criteria air pollutants to mean the level of criteria air pollutants the taxpayer may emit to meet the requirements of the federal Clean Air Act. Was not heard in the Assembly Revenue and Tax Committee.