2023 – Assembly Bill 143 (Committee on Budget), State Government: Teleconference and Bagley Keene Act (Dead)
Bill Number
AB 143
Legislative Session
Bill Information
Administrative Procedures, Budget
Committee on Budget
Office of Legislative Affairs
Correo electrónico
Would have been a general government budget trailer bill to the Budget Act of 2023 that would have made changes to the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act. The bill would have authorized State bodies to hold public meetings, subject to specified notice and accessibility requirements, through teleconferencing and making public meetings accessible telephonically or otherwise electronically to the public, as specified. The bill would have provided that a State body need not make available any physical location from which members of the public may observe the meeting and offer public comment. These Bagley-Keene provisions would have sunset on December 31, 2023. Was not heard in the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee.