Best Practices and Capacity Building for Local Government Implementation of Climate Action Polices
Principal Investigator/Author: Catherine Brinkley
Contractor: University of California, Davis
Sub-contractors: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, Michael Boswell
Contract Number: 21STC021
Project Status: Completed October 2024
Relevant CARB Programs: Local Actions for Climate Change, Sustainable Communities, Sustainable Communities & Climate Protection Program, Building Decarbonization, Advanced Clean Cars2022 Scoping Plan Update
Topic Areas: Sustainable Communities,Research & Sustainable Communities, Sustainable Community Strategies (SCS), Climate Change, Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Reduction & Climate Goals, California Climate Investments, Building Decarbonization, Land Use & Transportation Research,California Climate Investments
Research Summary:
This project will inform local governments, community members, and State agencies about the best ways to address climate action planning challenges and barriers to action at the local level to help achieve the State’s GHG reduction goals. This project’s objectives are to 1) identify barriers that local governments face in implementing climate action policies and ways to overcome them through a literature review; 2) identify ways for CARB, through the California Climate Investments and other programs to support local governments and community-based organizations in tackling climate actions; and 3) conduct local government training for implementors of priority climate strategies, focusing on education about State climate goals, resources, and funding opportunities using existing partnerships and networks. The project will also update general plan and Climate Action Plan (CAP) databases, review municipal ordinances and conduct interviews related to evaluation of general plan and CAP implementation.
Keywords: climate action, climate change, climate investments, sustainable communities, local government, Climate Action Plan, General Plan, vehicle miles traveled, zero-emission vehicles, building decarbonization
Research Seminar
Date & Time | Location | Materials |
October 22, 2024 9:30 PM to 11:00 AM | Zoom | Seminar Recording |
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