An Integrated Framework to Guide Improvements in Air Quality at Community, Urban, and Regional Scales
Principal Investigator/Author: Ronald Cohen
Contractor: University of California, Berkeley
Contract Number: 20RD013
Project Status: Completed
Relevant CARB Programs: n/a
Topic Areas: Climate Change, PM2.5
Research Summary:
Many new air pollutant observation tools have been developed over the past several years. These new tools include satellites, low-cost sensors, new mobile platforms, new air quality and weather models, and new emissions models. An additional new development has been the fusion of multiple observation platforms together, which can provide a more complete picture of air quality and emissions. For this project, UC Berkeley produced a whitepaper describing the current state of the science with respect to these new observation tools, and provides thoughts on how these tools may continue to develop into the future. Additionally, this whitepaper provides examples of how these observations could be fused together to deliver a clearer understanding of the atmosphere in California.
Keywords: air quality; measurements; data fusion; satellites; modeling; criteria pollutants; greenhouse gases; new technology.