Assessing the Travel Demand and Co-Benefit Impacts of Affordable Transit Oriented Developments
Principal Investigator/Author: Karen Chapple
Contractor: University of California, Berkeley
Contract Number: 16RD003
Project Status: Completed
Relevant CARB Programs: Climate Change
Topic Areas: Behavioral Change, Sustainable Communities, Transport
Research Summary:
This study assessed the travel patterns of low-income households in order to estimate the impact of affordable transit-oriented developments (TODs) on vehicle miles traveled (VMT) using a multi-method research design. Data were collected, assembled, and analyzed for 292 tenants living in subsidized units both near and far from high quality transit to provide a robust picture of trip frequency, length, mode, purpose, and vehicle ownership as a function of development characteristics, household demographics, and urban setting. Results showed a significant association between affordable TOD and vehicle trip frequency, but not VMT. These mixed findings align with the mixed results found for other populations and settings. Qualitative results highlight the many benefits of living in affordable TODs, especially those in highly accessible areas and in close proximity to many services and opportunities.
Final Report: Please email to request the final report generated by this research contract.