Outcomes and Results for Clean Vehicle Rebate Project
The Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) is closed, effective November 8, 2023.
Cumulative Outcomes as of June 1, 2024
- $1.49 billion invested
- 42% of funding benefits priority populations*
- More than 594,000 vehicles funded
- More than 11 million metric tons carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) reductions
- More than 1,100 tons of oxides of nitrogen (NOₓ) reductions
- More than 460 tons of particulate matter (PM) reductions
- More than 456 million gallons of fuel use avoided
*Priority populations include residents of: (1) census tracts identified as disadvantaged by California Environmental Protection Agency per Senate Bill 535; (2) census tracts identified as low-income per Assembly Bill (AB) 1550; or (3) a low-income household per AB 1550.
Clean Vehicle Rebate Program Data Dashboard
The California Light-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Programs Insights Dashboard is an interactive, centralized location for information related to CARB's current and former light-duty ZEV incentive programs, including for the California Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP).
Project Statistics
Since March 2016, over 66,000 increased rebates have been issued to low-income consumers totaling over $354 million. About 71 percent of rebates issued went to BEVs, about 26 percent to PHEVs, and about 3 percent to FCEVs and zero-emission motorcycles.
Participant Surveys
Since 2013, CVRP has administered voluntary participant surveys to obtain data about participants, their experiences with the program, and to better understand electric vehicle adoption in California. As this is a voluntary survey, there is no guarantee that the responses received statistically represent program participants as a whole. To address this, a weighting system was applied to appropriately amplify or attenuate responses. The raking method was used to produce weights that make the results based upon the survey data representative of the program with respect to county, vehicle model, vehicle category, and whether the vehicle was purchased or leased. The raking method was also used to illustrate the current demographic makeup of CVRP participants based on data obtained through voluntary surveys that were fielded in 2017 through 2020 and best represent program participation since the inclusion of income eligibility criteria. Survey data for CVRP is publicly available on the CVRP website's Rebate Survey Dashboard.
Socioeconomic Benefits
In a continued effort to provide transparency and commitment to data, CARB is taking measures to improve data collection for the evaluation, analysis, and reporting of socioeconomic benefits for program participants. This includes an updated survey to provide for more streamlined data collection, analysis, and identification of benefits or areas for improvement. These surveys are self-reported by participants on improved access to employment and goods and services, reliability, and participant testimonials.
Participant Demographics
For information about participant demographics based on participant surveys, visit the Rebate Survey Dashboard.